whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Getting Plenty of Therapy

With all the rain I've been getting plenty of therapy. Better known as cutting the grass. It's very therapeutic. I get most of my serious thinking done riding the mower, weed eating, edging, and then blowing the yard. I just wish I was better at figuring out what the yard needs. I tried everything at our other house and the yard was okay. I though hey new yard new chance to make it right. I hate to admit it, but I even bought a Scotts Turf book. But it's still just okay. I've put out the fertilizer and treated the yard for weeds, but it still is just okay. I may eventually break down and pay turfbuilder or someone to come in and do it for me. But I'm cheap and I want to get it right myself. I want to be the "Hank Hill" of Moody (King of the Hill). And of course my neighbor spent a ton of money to have zoysia put in his front yard so I'm envious.

The back yard though is in serious need of help. They only sodded a small portion and the rest is rock and dirt. Well, they put out hay and said they seeded it, but I only see hay and mud. I'd love to have about 3 tandem loads of topsoil dumped and sod it, but that would cost way too much. So they boys can help me rake it by hand for the time being.
Just realized my finger was in the way...