whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Facing Reality

I wrote this last week, but haven't been able to post it until now. My family got bad news last Friday, but I haven't really said anything to anyone. I really haven't even talked to my Mom & Dad. Then I'd have to face it. My Dad's not responding to treatment, and his cancer has grown 35% since his last visit (3 weeks ago). It's in both lungs and a gland somewhere in his chest.
The Doctor told him to find a hospice provider and get things in order. It may be 2 wks it may be 2 months. You never know with these things, but it won't be long.
He just now told my Mom. She really didn't know how bad things were getting. He didn't want her to know. When things started to look really bad several months ago I was getting on him about getting things in order, and enjoying his time left. The only thing he wanted to do was work. I told him "you can't even drive right now. How are you going to operate a loader?" He looked at me and said, "I've been taking care of your mother for 41 years and I'll take care of her till I take my last breath". I said yes sir and took him to work. When you see a man as tough as that you think. Maybe with his strong faith in God and his toughness he can beat this. So it gives you a false sense of security.
I'm worried about my parents. My Dad is self employed. He's hardly worked over the last 2 years. This has pretty much bankrupted him. He came from a life without 401k's, and pension funds. It's whatever you can hold onto. My Mom has hardly ever worked, except raising 4 boys. My Dad has always taken care of her. We (my brothers and I) are probably going to have to pool our resources and bury him. My Mom won't be able to pay for her house and land. The reality of that scares me.
My parents are both Believers. My Dad has been convinced that God is going to give him 7 more years. My Mom has been living off of that. Believing that God wouldn't take him. I pray that they can put their faith in God to give them peace now. The reality is that we don't know what God has in store for us. We can't predict if we'll get more time or not.
My parents have never been the "grandparent" type. The grandparents that come over to take the kids for the weekend or take them some where fun. Some where deep down I kept hoping that one day my Dad would wake up and do that for the boys, but the reality is it's not in him. I know he loves them. I just pray he can show them before it's too late.
Please pray for my family. For peace, strength, and wisdom. That my brothers don't blame God. That my Mother gets the strength she needs. Pray that financially we can do what needs to be done. Pray for me. I've been blocking it as much as I can, but when I have to face reality pray that God gives me strength.


Kim said...

I am so sorry. Please let me know if we can help. I will take the boys or whatever needs to be done. Please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Matt, thanks for sharing with us! You and your whole family are in our prayers.

Stephen & Ginger

MattD said...

Thanks guys...right now all we need is serious prayer. To help guide us through this. Financially and spiritually.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Matt. Brian and I will be lifting you all up in prayer. Thank you for being so honest and specific with your requests.

On another note, I spoke with the Chapman's earlier this week. They both said to tell you and Heather "hello".

Grace said...

I love you.

Scott H said...

Brother, I have been in your shoes and walked the path you are heading. Besides all the things already mentioned, I will tell you time is everything right now. Spend all the time you can with him and make sure he knows everything about your love and life with him! Nothing else is more important right now. Not baseball, not work, nothing is more important than time well spent with him. We were fortunate enough to know well in advance when my Dad was dying and we, as a family and individually spent lots of time laughing, crying and remembering the good times. Be strong in the fact he IS a believer and take advantage of every moment with him. Be glad you have this time, some lose their loved ones with no warning, you have the opportunity right now to do all and say all. Don't wait. I will be praying for you and your family!

Paige M said...

We love you and are praying for you.

Kimmipeach@gmail.com said...

scott h is right. use the time that God is giving you wisely. talk to and enjoy him.

Kimmipeach@gmail.com said...

matt, also know that your whole family is in our prayers. if we can do anything, let me know.