whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Heather is as sweet and sexy as ever. She went to some place and painted a picture the other night with some friends. Looks good too. She is very pleased with herself.

Adam is still in 4k at Cedar Grove. Not happy about it either. His birthday is in December. Most of his friends moved up to the big school. Sandra McConathy is his teacher in the afternoons and she thinks he's as smart of all of them..ahem. Little pride there.

Of course he's upset that he doesn't have a dirt bike, but maybe Santa will bring him a 4 wheeler!


Anne Marie W. said...

A 4-wheeler?!...more praying.

MattD said...

Not a real one...a little electric one...maybe..possibly..hmmm