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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Politcs As Usual

I haven't had the time to get into it as much as I'd like, but I LOVE POLITICS. Heather's as bad as me. One of the few things we like to do together is watch Fox News and discuss candidates. We record the Republican Convention and watch it back. I've known all I thought I needed to know about John McCain for awhile, but after the convention I've got a new found respect for the man. I knew about his military career and political career and was impressed, but didn't care for some of his policies. At first I was like "eh", better than Obama. Now I think he truly is the "right" choice. First off I am card carrying member of the Alabama Republican Party and vote straight Republican. You can't convince me to vote Liberal...I mean Democrat..forget about it.
McCain is a tough man. All he went through as a POW and never would denounce his country. That alone is worth a vote or two. But if you look at his career, and the choices he's made. He never backs down, or changes his tune. What you see is what you get. Unlike Obama...who changes to whomever he's talking too. Facts are facts people.
Sara Palin was a GREAT choice. A strong woman of conviction and family. Good choice. Smart choice. She nailed Obama in her speech. Praphrase here in regards to her not being qualified.."I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities"...NICE! Now the haters are coming out of the woodwork saying how can she raise children and be a VP. What happened to all the feminist on the Hillary Clinton bandwagon?! Ridiculous.
The other great speech of the night was Rudy Giuliani's. He was great. Laid it out plain and simple. Obama has no experience. I think he has approximately 143 days in office. Most of that time he didn't even vote. No experience as a leader at all. Not as a Mayor, Governor, Business, etc..nothing. Pretty much hasn't stuck with anything for long. What is a community organizer anyway?


Anonymous said...

I don't pay attention to politics like I should. But I do like Sarah Palin. I agree with what you said about where are all the feminist now that were all siding with Hillary. I wanted to ask the same thing to the liberals when Condeleeza Rice was named a part of Bush's cabinet. No, I guess because she's a Republican she doesn't count as being a first African American woman to have that high of a position. They are so double standard it's pathetic.

Personally, I think it's kinda cool to see a woman in a room full of political big wigs nursing her baby.

j_webb said...

Well put. Check out what one of my favorite conservatives said about Palin.


j_webb said...

Oh....copy and paste above link to your browser.

TigerStar said...

Although I am not a fan of either candidate, I will be supporting and voting for McCain, in large part due to his pick of Palin as VP. She is what Washington needs. I am looking forward to her running for President in 4-8 years.