whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do We Trust in God with Our Children?

Many of you know about last weeks terrible accident on I-459. If not here's the link. It was a terrible accident. Unfortunately I drove by on 459 N in the far left lane shortly after they had taken the bodies, and it was something I wish I hadn't seen.
I've read many posts on al.com and heard several people say that we should change the driving age on interstates (although the boy driving was 18). Also, there were several comments made about younger children in the car, and how to change or stop it from happening.
The simple answer is you can't. You can control some situations, but you aren't always going to be there. It got me thinking about how as parents we always try to control ever aspect of our children's lives. Heather and I try and steer Jake and Adam towards certain opportunities and away from others the best we can. We mainly hope and pray that they have learned enough from us and that God will guide them. But we still jump in!
We all try and control our children. From who their friends are to where they go to what they wear. It's human nature, and I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that. But where is the TRUST IN GOD? We can try to control our children's friends, but they'll resent it and eventually do what they want and hopefully learn from it. I did. There will always be someone in their life that they shouldn't be hanging around and they'll know they need to distance themselves from that person. If we raise them with good moral values according to the law and TRUST IN GOD.
We can try and control who our children date, but has that EVER worked? No...I remember my parents telling my older brother he couldn't go out with this girl in high school because they thought she was a bad influence (not sure who the bad influence was there-him or her). Well, he snuck(sp?) out of the house after everyone had fallen asleep. Then Dad got a call from the police that he had wrecked his car, oh around 1:30 in the morning. How well did that work? Dad wound up nailing his window shut after the 3rd time. Now, I know I'll try and do the same thing, but at some point I've got to TRUST IN GOD.
We an try and control how our children approach things or feel about church, but that doesn't always work. I know my parents did, and at first I liked going to church. Until I got older. Then that was the last place I wanted to be. Jake doesn't want to be at church now. Do I feel like he's somehow disappointed me? No, he's 8 and is bored out of his mind (no offense Burt). He can't comprehend the message Burt is giving. I wish he had a children's class to go to but he doesn't. So what do I do? TRUST IN GOD. I pray that Jake eventually understands in time, and Heather and I keep plugging away.
It seems as though we all try to control things with our children, but we can't. As soon as we do we've already lost the battle. God should be sufficient in our everyday lives. From who our children date to who they play with to whatever they do in life. Our job is to guide them and be a moral compass. Help them learn the law and to TRUST IN GOD. If we don't are we saying God isn't sufficient?


St. John Family said...

It is sometimes hard to fully put your trust in God when it comes to our children.But think of it from his prospective,He is trusting us with his children. You can't always control what your kids do or who they hang around with, but you can raise them to be about the Fathers work. Maybe keeping them sheltered and surrounded by other Christians is not what He would have for His children, but rather be the light in a dark world. If they are going to be apart of the Great Commision - Going and telling the world about Jesus - then they need to start in their current mission field (school, ball field, park, ect...).

The hard part about this is not for the children but for us as parents as we have to put our faith in the Lord. In the end our children will see that God is in control.
Thanks Matt,

j_webb said...

I try to keep in mind who I am wanting my children to please, me or God? It is usually me when I ask that question.
It is hard enough to let go of anything and let God have control, but your children are expecially difficult. Good post.

MattD said...

Exactly...it's an insult to what He has planned for us to try and control the environment He has put us in. Although, I still try it's not what we're here for.
We're suppose to be in the "arena" so to speak spreading his word by our actions and tongues.

MattD said...

You can't be missional keeping them locked up in the back yard...

Anonymous said...

Your post got me thinking about a style of parenting I call the Ostridge Philosophy. You know, where you isolate your family from the rest of the world and stick your head in the sand and assume everything is safe. I see that happening lots of times these days with parents. I understand their fear and need of protection. But I also believe you do more harm than good for your family. You can't escape problems, you just deal with different ones. It's so hard to find balence to in the world but not of the world. Good post.

Scott H said...

Interesting perspective. I know of many times God protected me in my foolish youth, and yesterday adn today!
He WILL and does watch over our children as well.