whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Friday, March 14, 2008

Soap Box Time-One of my many pet peeves

I don't get "cyclist"...I was on my way home and there was a wreck on 459 so I got off and came down 78 into Leeds. And there are 2 cyclists taking up both lanes. In a 60 mph zone. So I don't get too close and tap the horn to let them know I'm behind them. Now, at this point you'd think they'd get out of the way, but nooo. Sissy boys give me the finger and stay there. Now a bike might be doing 30 down hill. But come one!. I know you're suppose to share the road or whatever but you can't act like you're a freakin CAR! Get the heck out of the way! Then an 18 wheelers comes down the hill and jake brakes it and lays on his horn... he about killed himself getting over. I laugh as I drive by the Lance Armstrong wannabe. I mean what self respecting man wears sissy boy spandex anyway? And don't forget they have their little jerseys like they're really in the Tour de France. Loser.
Anyway, I can't stand the cycle people. Mainly because they won't yield to traffic and think they have as much right as a car...I think not. When you can peddle that thing 55mph, THEN you are on equal play field.

Do a real sport...that doesn't include spandex


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! Thank you for the laugh, first off. I am right there with you. I cannot stand cyclists. The road is for cars! They were awful in Auburn, everywhere, not just on campus. And they're mean too, one nearly ran me over and I was walking!

MattD said...

The best part of the bikers at AU was when they would come down the hill too fast in between Jordan Hare and the baseball field...when it was rainging. Most didn't know you don't have brakes when it rains...it just spins...ahhhhh.

j_webb said...

AMEN! I find myself trying to get close to them as possible without hitting them, bad I know. I want to put a little fear in them, afterall even if they could go 55mph, a collision would show they SHOULD BE WORRIED. You won't catch me ASSUMING people won't run me over.....? They sure are confident..... RIGHT on the side of the road. Somebody's CD skips...BAM! They're a hood ornament!

Scott H said...

I haven't run into the militant cyclist yet. It is pretty bold of them to tell you you are number one! I would say you have the weight advantage.

John E. Webb said...

well said my little grasshopper.. There is one guy that rides up and down hwy 411 everyday. He works at Jones Stephens and i pass him and nearly hit him time after time. this is just makes me furious. Actually, one day i passed this guy and honked my air horn at him and caused him to jump all the sudden on his bike.. He came close to my truck and made my swerve over.. come on i have a lifted truck that is very much "top heavy".... not a good sign

Scott H said...

Pet Peave #1 for me: folks that go through the bank drive through without a deposit slip, then make us all wait until they have filled theirs out and get their dough. When I am King, those people will have to go to the back of the line after they get their blank slip.

Brandon E said...

They want you to share the road, but they will obey traffic laws like stop signs, redlights, minumum speed requirements. It makes you want to cram a stick into their spokes when you ride by.

By the way, I dare you to tell Kurt Angle, Caal Sanderson, Dan Gable, Terry Brands to choose a non-pansy(spandex)sport. Not all spandex sports are created equal. Where does UnderArmour factor into the pansy equation?