whos the man?

To Answer All of Life's Hard Questions and Mess With People's Heads?

Monday, December 10, 2007

How Much Can Our Children Handle?

Last week I received an email from Heather about the "Golden Compass" movie, in regards to it's connection to aethism. I forwarded it to several people and it started a little conversation about what children should or shouldn't be exposed to.
Now, as a parent I feel like it's my job to protect them and raise them as believers. I will not take them to see the movie or let them watch it. Not because of the message (because I don't think they'd get it) but because I refuse to contribute to an aethist, and it looked like a knock off of Narnia. Which, is what it was written to do.
Here is the main question? What can children handle? I can protect them now somewhat due to their age, but what about when they are teenagers or 19 and in college. We can limit cable TV, limit exposure to outside influences such as friends, let them play with certain toys, only celebrate holidays that are "Christian"(and the way we want them to), but is that really going to change anything? My 3 brothers and I were all raised the same way. By the same parents. At the same church. I'm the only one saved. Does that mean my parents weren't good enough Christians? Or parents? Should they have kept us at home? Should we have not been able to play with other kids who's parents weren't believers? The answer is NO! God is sufficient. God is our answer for everything. We shouldn't try and completely insulate our children. Now do I mean let them watch anything they want, hear anything they want, and do anything they want? Obvioulsy, no. God did give us laws to live by. But we should learn to choose our battles. I think we have become too protective. My children go to public shool. Does it mean that they will be exposed to things they wouldn't if at private or homeschooled. No. There are bad influences everywhere. Believe it or not, not everyone at a private school or home school is a believer.....I know I know it's a shock, huh? Not just at school but with family, friends, and even at church. Why? Because we are all sinners. I think we don't give our children enough credit. I think they can handle more than we can! Am I still going to try and limit that exposure? You got that right? Why because I'm a sinner, I'm not worthy, and I don't put all my faith in God. I wish I could keep them young and innocent, but that's not God's plan. I have to try and let them learn, explore, and ask crazy questions. Point them to Christ and lean on the Bible for answers.

Okay, enough of the heavy stuff....


Anonymous said...

Matt, I swear I'm hearing Brian's voice when I was reading what you wrote. You guys have a lot of the same opinions. And I've also asked myself the same thing about how I was raised versus how we will raise Brandon. Am I deciding to do something different because I think my parents were wrong? Do I somehow know something they do not? It's silly really when you think of it all like that. I think my brother and I turned out pretty darn good, and we had Santa and went to public schools! But I do not scoff at those who think otherwise. It's all about choice and what you think is best for your kids AND what you think they can handle. Brian tells me not to be such a scrooge about Santa. I do believe that we sell our kids short on what they can handle. I'm so glad I'm seeing all these questions and thoughts popping up. I appreciate your imput too on my Santa post. I want to make it fun for Brandon. The one thing I always remember about Christmas when I was little was my mom and dad made it fun for us.

Kim said...

We (maybe just me) struggle with it a lot. It's hard.

MattD said...

Yeah, it's just you Kim...

Anonymous said...

Now, kids, play nice together.

Brandon E said...

Matt your missing the point. You supposed to let your kids do whatever they want like play with matches, skin puppies, and smoke crack. Only then can they have the greatest "testimony". Its all about the VH1 behind the music faith.

Or it could be that this question is actually a smaller version of what we are as Christians. It not just about how you raise your kids, but also about how you live your life out for Christ. We can protect ourselves in our Christian circles and music stations (insert Derek Web lyric here) or we can reach the world by living in it as a Christian, not seperatly. Your right, God has his plan, and he will take care of all of the kids in his way.

Will you be at the work day on Sat?

MattD said...

I've had it all wrong!...I hear ya...I think are children will be a reflection of us..and that scares the heck out of me! We forget that God is in control and He is going to take care of everything.
I won't be there Sat...going hunting..I was there last night so I could say I did something...

Crissy said...

I think that any decision based out of fear is a bad decision. We parent the way we parent in an effort to glorify God. If we parent to get a result then we'll be disappointed. If we parent just to make their little lives happy, safe and comfortable then why would they need Christ?

God uses all things for our good. Good, bad and ugly. I do wish that my kids could be spared from making some of the mistakes (Sins) that I did. But then they'd just make new and different ones.

MattD said...

Exactly, we can't truly protect them from life...they are going to make their own mistakes and we can point them to Christ as an example but they may make the same mistakes or their very own. It's a gamble...put your faith in God and roll the dice and see what happens